Monday, April 18, 2011

a leaner greener me.

So lately I've been in a life rut. My daily routine hasn't changed in months, I've been working my tail off, and I need something new in life. Every day I get up, go to work, come home 10ish hours later, and sit on the couch to watch tv until it's bedtime. Then I repeat daily. Recently while at a closing Borders, I picked up a book called "Sleeping Naked is Green" by Vanessa Farquharson which has inspired me a bit. I haven't finished the book yet, but so far I'm really enjoying it. It chronicles a year in the life of the author, who decided to challenge herself to make one 'green' life change each day for a year no matter how small. Some days she learns to accept that she's not perfect, and knows that the switch to recycled paper towels makes a difference, even though not as big of a difference as not using paper towels at all. I think I'm enjoying it so much because it focuses more on the possible, and not being perfect, just aware. This has inspired me to do something similar. Each week I will challenge myself to make a greener, or healthier life change and blog about it. We'll see how long it lasts, but it should be fun!

Week 1: Work has been stressful, it's been playing on my biggest insecurities and causing a great amount of anxiety. It's a terrible feeling to have constant anxiety about things I know are silly, but can't help. For both my mind and my body, I have decided to make a conscious effort to go out for a jog when I'm stressed, instead of picking up the pint of ice cream or bag of chips. I've been doing this for about a two weeks now, and so far so good. Now to figure out how to de-stress and not worry so much! I'm trying to figure out what I'm passionate about, what will make the stress worth it.

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